Darwinism is an error of imagination.

If you consider what was needed to create the human race from the species that preceded it: there were millions of simultaneous genetic mutations required to produce the completely new “Homo sapiens”, an entirely new species, with many many differences from its predecessors. The definition any separate or new species is that it is incapable of interbreeding with any other species; it is completely different; there are too many simultaneous differences or changes in the DNA. Now if it is conceivable that all the mutations that are required to be created can actually happen at once by chance, then every other possible mutation (that would create something else, or otherwise mess up or destroy what is already there) must be happening at the same time as well. Yet there are no other variants about, only the one. Then we add the deal breaker: To allow the new species to breed, we must "by chance" if such as Darwin and Dawkins are credible witnesses, have the truly amazing happening of exactly the same complex millions of changes taking place to produce another such animal at the same time and in the same place, not as a twin from one egg, but as a non-identical identical - that is to say, a member of the opposite sex with which to breed. (Two such chance multimutational organisms, with millions of changes, in the same place at the same time, one female, and one male, no errors allowed.) These are impossible, incalculable odds. If such changes are by chance, then where are all the other variants in the fossil record, that must be likewise happening regularly? There were of course other Hominids, but very few, not the thousands and thousands that would still be occurring all the time if it was just the natural way of things. No, this was a once and for all event, Divine Creation, and unsurprisingly, God seems not minded to produce another species like mankind, who surely has a great deal to put right at present.

This is not to say that there is no tree of life, only that it did not happen by chance. We now know that gene transfers occur between species as well as directly, and everything that we discover about the mechanisms of life, uncovers more and more complexity, just as does the investigation of the universe itself .

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